Thursday, May 25, 2017

From Children's Ministry Desk: May

Good afternoon!

It’s been a while since you have heard from me, but the end of April, I just felt like I didn’t have much to share- so now that another month is nearly past I’ll fill you in on the happenings! (perhaps I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed as well)

Our God is still so good! Monday night I was able to help with a  benefit for Tripp Postmus, and as our congregation knows, this hits so close to home for our family as well as the prayer warriors who prayed alongside us during Makayla’s battle with a brain tumor. Our church and the community were SO good to us, and I knew during that time, we were never alone… we were just poured blessing upon blessing.  And even though God didn’t answer my prayer for Makayla to be healed from her cancer, she did receive the ultimate healing, and she is no longer suffering, but her reward is eternal.  God never left me during any of those trials in our life, and even when I questioned why, He was still there for me.  Those seeds that were planted years ago, are helping to reveal His plan for my life, and how He plans to use me to build His kingdom. I am so thankful for where I am right now, God’s got a plan, and I am so thankful He doesn’t give up on me. When we don’t understand why things happen it’s just a great opportunity for us to trust His plan.

Enough about my life… onto our church life!

Nursery-  I am excited for how this is coming along! We have some of the best volunteers here, who I see loving on children!! Just this past Sunday, there was a family working in nursery and the kids who attended were BLESSED!! They were loved on, played with, and had the silliest of conversations with the funniest guy!! (there was actually a couple kids who didn’t want to leave!) (This is just ONE example of the amazing nursery volunteers we have)  I am so excited with how God is opening doors for this ministry opportunity- when I surrendered the path of it to Him, He provided people to come along and say YES to helping, and they showed up with a smile on their face!! (Yes I still have LOTS of work to do on surrendering the control to God, because he has a plan, why do I worry?!? We all know, there is NO way I could do this job, it’s by the grace of God in my life, keep on praying for me… ) I would love to hear any feedback you have on how the Nursery is going!! My prayer is that it is a safe place, where parents can leave their children and not have to worry for one second.  Please let me know anything you see for improvements- we are a work in progress!!

Catechism-  I am praying about where God is leading our Wednesday nights!! Will you join me in prayer for what His plan is for our church!?

Sunday School- We just finished and I am so excited for the summer break and to get Sunday School up and running this fall again! I think it was a great year, please thank your kids/grandkids teachers… Do you know how much time they gave up each week preparing a lesson, and their hearts to bless our kids!! We, as a church, are blessed with some of the most passionate people out there, they make our children feel loved and appreciated, and they are here to serve God.  There is really nothing better!! As I put this quote in their cards, it really stuck with me… “ Most of the greatest accomplishments of this life will never be seen until the next.”   These teachers are planting seeds with these kids, that will forever impact lives and our world in the future…. Someday these kids will be doctors and nurses caring for us as we age, they will be mayors and business owners, how do we want them to run a business?  Our reward is eternal folks, how are you serving Gods kingdom today?

VBS-  This is just a few short weeks away!!! I am so excited for this! It is a time when kids come bounding through the church doors, SO excited to be here, having fun, all while learning about God- um, is this not the best?!?

Let me know if you have any questions about VBS or if you would still like to plug in and help- I promise it will bless your socks off!! 

We also need you to save toilet paper rolls, pop bottle lids, fleece fabric pieces, and we need boxes of quart size baggies.  There is a drop box by the welcome table to place these items in.

Children & Worship- Excited to start planning this for the fall! We are also going to be planning a training for the fall for volunteers- would you like to help lead this ministry! Let me know! I would love to be able to get 16 people leading, this would mean that you would take a desired service, and only have to do ONE service, and serve every 2 months. Who wants to join? 😊

Thanks for reading this far- I tend to get long winded!! But lots of great ways God is working in our Children’s Ministry, & I am SO excited to be allowing God to use me right now at our church!!

Have a wonderful day &  enjoy the weekend!!


Thursday, March 30, 2017

From Children's Ministry Desk-March


Krista here, coming to you from the church basement, in my small corner office, with my thoughts from the month! 😊  (Promise subsequent months will be much shorter- just bear with me)

I am about a month into this- and I just wanted to share a little of what’s happening in my life (so if you don’t care, move past that, but DO read what’s happening in our church!! GOOD STUFF!)!  God has definitely been on the move as I have watched so many wonderful things fall into place.  A passion I have is to keep the lines of communication open between me and all of you, I want you to see my heart and passion behind the kiddos at this church- wow, ya’ll created some GOOD kids!! (cute little ones too!) I plan to send out a monthly email of what’s happening, ways you can plug in, and just share a little of my heart in the process. Hopefully you get my humor- I like to laugh, life’s way too serious the way it is, and with kids, life is NEVER dull, and if I didn’t laugh about it, I might be crying. 😊

I start my mornings off here at church with a half hourish of devotions, and prayer time (except for the day that I forget my computer at home and need to go home before I even made it to a seated position in my office, whoops!).  I have been reminded numerous times of God’s love, grace, and faithfulness for us/me during this time.  This transition for me and my family has not all been roses, but I am happy to say, it’s getting better! Good for me to be more intentional placing my time, and a bonus, my kids have successfully started chore sticks, and I no longer have to unload the dishwasher or put their laundry away!! Mom win!! (yes, I should have started this much sooner- I am open to any parenting advice you might have to send my way too… kids, they didn’t really prepare you for this when you leave the hospital!) Thankful for God’s grace for me each day as I parent and the reminder that my sins are far worse than their innocence, so forgiveness is huge in our house, and goes both ways- typically me asking it from them!

On my first day, March 7, I sat in this very chair and I asked God why in the world he wanted me to say yes to this.  I am probably one of the most unqualified people here in this church to do this role, and as the list of people more qualified ran through my head, I read this…..

Most importantly- you are ministering to God when you are ministering to kids. 

Children are precious to the Lord; that is why he called you into this ministry.

Well- if that’s not convicting, that writer was placed there by God, talking right to me! …  we all know- if your kids need some medical attention, I am your person! I actually thought maybe I should set up a first aid station in my office. (for those of you who don’t know, I am a nurse by trade, and more recently a mom, by day, and night) These two things stuck out to me so much… I want to serve God, that’s my sole purpose here on this earth! And hey, I got kids, kinda like kids a lot, so why not allow him to use me here at church to serve our kiddos here. 

Will I be perfect at this job? NO 

Will I mess up lots? YUP 

But, I pray that you all have a lotta grace and forgiveness… I am in awe of my kids willingness to forgive me, when some days I don’t think I deserve it, they are so quick to forgive the harsh word I said to them, or the way I yelled at them for the 20th time to pick up their toys (and I didn’t use a nice voice... one day I even threw said toys away)  but as I dug those toys out of the trash and asked for forgiveness for my harsh actions, that little Tater was quick to wrap his loving arms around my neck and tell me “it’s okay mama, I love you so much, I will definitely pick up all my toys tomorrow, I’m sorry.” (and you know what, he did!!) Thankful for forgiveness and grace this month….

NOW… What’s going on here at church!!

I got new carpet! Kinda exciting… but not near as exciting as what God is doing!

I’m going to list out my ministry scope and give quick recaps of what I have been working on! (this will also be the format for subsequent months) 


This has been my main focus right now! We gave our nursery a name! First Steps in Faith.  I am hoping this name can kinda blanket all that we have going on here at church for our children! I am really excited to help lead them in their First Steps of Faith- it’s not just a name, it’s our passion!! The vision for nursery is to get people working on our nursery who WANT to be there! People who love kids, have a big smile on their face, and can’t wait to show the love of Jesus to our children!! I am so excited by some of the survey responses I have gotten! Thank you, for allowing God to use your gifts to bless others!! (if you haven’t gotten the survey, let me know – I do have 86 more to send today, I couldn’t send them all at once bc they thought I was spamming all of you! What in the world?!? 😉 If you don’t get it by tomorrow, let me know! I’d love to add you to the list! (or if you want to call/text me and chat about it, or email, my info is below!)

The focus and priorities I have for nursery right now-

  • Getting people passionate about kiddos working in there
  • Setting up a very flexible schedule for the nursery, so there is a routine to follow- this will make the time go by faster for the kids and workers, and I hope allow for less tears too!
  • Getting hosts put in place for the nursery.  These individuals greet kids and parents at the door.  It’s a familiar face, so families and kids are more welcome.  They can also assist new families to where things are in our church! We all know it’s a bit confusing.
  • Revamping the schedule a bit to customize the preferences of the people working there.  I want you to be plugging in as you feel comfortable, and I want you to be happy to be there. 😊
  • Getting some new, fun toys and a system to organize them, and possibly toy swap, so there are new things in there!
  • Snacks in place for the kids and workers. Food makes people happy.
  • A cleaning schedule set up for less germs spread.  The goal is for the toys to be cleaned weekly… anyone up for this? So far, God hasn’t directed anyone my way, but I have faith he will.  The cookie ladies make cookies Thursday mornings… by the way, I maybe should take a walk past the kitchen… so you and a friend come have some coffee, a warm cookie and fellowship while keeping our nursery safe for our kids! (it can be any day, evening, etc. ) I will just plug you in as you want.  Say you want to clean toys once every 2 months… got it.  OR every other week.. etc.  This will be such a huge blessing for our church and kids. And you can pray for the kids while doing it.
  • A check in system.  Safety for our kids is way behind in our previous setup. We need to make this a priority. Not exactly sure what this is going to look like yet- but looking at some options.
  • A pager system.  Also looking into options here.
  • A committee! Let me know if you would like to serve here.  These individuals will help to share the passion/ vision with people, help to brainstorm ideas and improvements, and be someone you can turn to for questions!
  • We need prayers- pray for the new transition, pray for people to be willing to serve God in this capacity, and pray for God’s timing to allow everything to fall into place.

Nursery has weighed heavily on my heart.  Our kids didn’t really use nursery, so I didn’t realize what a ministry opportunity it was… But let me tell you, the research has pointed that we need to step up our game and welcome children and their parents with lots of love in our nursery space!! As I sent out the first round of surveys, I got a little discouraged as I took names off of the existing list- I was not trusting God to provide, and I was taking things a little to personally. But, I have prayed about it, God’s made it very clear, those no’s are not directed at me, they are people allowing God to use them in other ways in our church- and he will provide people to love on children in our nursery space! The verse  under my computer is very encouraging… Cast all your cares on him, he cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7

Children & Worship

Hoping to get this up and running this fall! This is an amazing way for kids to be filled with God and learn about worship in a way that relates to them.  When they color or play toys during the sermon they are not learning more about God- I love the ministry ideas behind children and worship and I am excited to get that started back up in the fall!

We will have a booth at the Ministry Bash, we need people to volunteer to lead a lesson each week, so if that’s you, sign up then, or let me know!

Sunday School

We are mid-stream in this fun way our kids get to grow in their relationship with God each week! Don’t forget to thank the teachers that volunteer each week to bless our kids.  These children are the priority of our church. When you are ministering to children, you are ministering to God.


We wrapped this up last week, with cupcakes and pop! I loved getting to know the 6th graders better… It was such an amazing group of kids!! Their parents should be proud! Looking forward to next fall- be sure to thank the teachers for all their time and dedication, and pray for the people feeling Gods calling for next year! 2016-17 teachers were: Deidre Dowdey, Becky Van Ginkel, Karma VanderVelde, Adam Van Schepen, Kelsy Van Egdom, Nicole Roder, Heather Willemmsen, Nolan Den Boer, Jen Rus, Mary Jo Van Otterloo, Al Van Beek, & Pastor Mike.  Thank you to each one of you for your time, energy, prayers & love that you poured into these kids!


Exciting as another year of VBS is getting planned!! The volunteers are already putting in lots of hours to make this year a huge success!! I am so excited for this- it opens our doors to people who might not attend church, its fun, and it get our kids excited about God! This year we will be serving a light supper- so this is another ministry opportunity for our church as well! It will be served during the normal snack time- if you want to make monetary donations towards the cost of the meal, let me know!! We will also have sign up sheets as VBS gets closer for food items to make or buy!! Thank you all so much for your prayers for VBS as we plan another year.  Don’t forget to thank Coby Haak and Dakota Vlotho for their time and energy they put into VBS! Its a lot of work- and they are amazing for volunteering all those hours!

Thank you for bearing with me.. it’s long I know- but I think it’s really important for everyone to know what’s going on, and ways they can be the lifeblood of our Children’s Ministry by volunteering!

We are not raising kids, we are raising adults.  The work done in our nursery, classrooms, and this church will shape the life of these children.  85% of people who accept Christ will do so before the age of 18.  THAT IS HUGE.  We need to get children into this church- we need to shape their lives, we need to teach them of Jesus love for them, and more importantly we need to SHOW them Jesus!!!

Dear God- I thank you for everyone who has read this letter, and I pray that you have stirred their hearts and called them out of their comfort zone.  I thank you for the people who you have equipped to be the lifeblood of this ministry- we know I am just your tool, so please humbly use me to bless this church and the lives of others.  Please allow us to bring Christ to the world.  Help us to be a blessing and show this community your love.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Please continue to pray for me as well.  Pray that God’s will is done in this small basement office and that our church will be abundantly blessed through the work God does in my life.

God’s humble servant,

Krista Smith


Monday, November 14, 2016



Take a sneak peak at these items that will be auctioned off on Wednesday, November 17 as part of our "Something For Everyone" evening at Faith Reformed Church.   There will be a soup and pie supper beginning at 5:30pm in the Family Life Center (FLC), with a baked goods sale going on at the same time.   The live auction will begin at 7:00pm!

Amazing to see the gifts and talents that are scattered throughout our congregation, and we want you to be a part of it!

Item #67: Christmas Decoration
Item #49: Repurposed Wood Pallet

Item #4: Baby Blanket
Item #37: 3 Night Stay in Black Hills
Item #69: Team Basket

Item #70: USA End Table
Item #71: 3 Christmas Wreaths
Item #69: Team Basket 
Item #25: Baking Basket

Item #63: Subway
Item #21: Car Cleaning Basket

Item #25: Baking Basket

Item #21: Car Cleaning Basket

Item #40: Christmas Centerpiece

Item #32: Movie Basket

Item #47: Snowmen Craft

Item #49: Repurposed Wood Pallet

Item #40: Christmas Centerpiece

Item #16: Baby Basket

Item #68: Made to Order Sweaters

Item #43: Broncos Basket

Item #48: Farm Boy Toy Basket

Item #48: Farm Boy Toy Basket

Item #73: Custom-made Wooden Bench

Item #52: Bean Bag Board

Item #52: Bean Bag Board

Item #16: Baby Basket

Item #2: Candy Basket

Item #11: Men's Basket

Item #61: Football Basket

Item #10: Hawkeye Tie Blanket

Item #65: Tie Blanket

Item #65: Tie Blanket

Item #8: Tie Blanket

Item #8: Tie Blanket

Item #61: Football Basket

Item #58: Guys Tool Basket

Item #58: Guys Tool Basket

Item #38: Repurposed Wooden Spool
Chess & Checker Game Table
Item #67: Christmas Decoration

Item #32: Movie Basket

Item #44: Tie Blanket

Item #4: Baby Blanket

Monday, August 22, 2016

Post-Trip Video

It is so hard to believe that we have been back home for nearly 7 weeks.   The 'freshness' of the journey, the relationships, and the profound impact on my faith are just as clear and real as ever.  I still feel so incredibly blessed to have been on this journey.   This video is a put together as a way to remember what we saw and bring back the emotions of what we experienced....I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Journey Day 14: The Journey Home

As I am about ready to fall into my bed in exhaustion, I just wanted to quickly post that our crew has returned safe and sound, and we are praising God for safe travels, and to be back in our family's arms again.    To carry my kids around like a horse, to tickle, to laugh and to be reunited is an enormous blessing at the end of an incredible journey.

Today began technically last night, if you follow me :)

We arrived and checked into the Tel Aviv airport, headed to Paris, caught some uncomfortable winks, headed to Minneapolis, dove into some American food again, and then landed in Omaha, before making the trek back to Rock Valley.

The goodbyes were bitter sweet, as the entire group of 26 has grown to be like a family!  Hard to put into words how thankful I was to hear each person's story, and to be reminded again and again that God is on the move in some mighty ways within the people of this group and within His Kingdom. 

This was oh so much more than a 'tour' of the Holy Land.   This was a faith deepening and love entrenching journey into our faith, into knowing our Lord, and into being devoted to making disciples as we go forward.  

So - go ahead and chuckle if you must, it was a long day!

Who knew an airport could be so busy for 1:00am flights!

I hear ya Mason....I hear ya!

This is what it looks like flying into Paris, France at 5:00am - they don't call it the 'City of Lights' for nothing!

Desperately trying to find a place to rest in the Paris airport.   We caught a few winks....

And then Cory and I may have spent about a half hour playing some video games :)

The plane from Paris to Minneapolis - not in NW Iowa anymore!

The beautiful farmland of Iowa once again - have missed the green!

A great reminder here in this picture.   As our hometown area was experiencing a Tornado Warning, we flew high above the storm clouds, and it was clear and bright as ever!    Reminder that sometimes we just need to see past the storms of life to see the absolute beauty that is on the other side!

For you have created all things Father - in you, by you and through you they have their being!

Couldn't figure out what this wet stuff hitting our windshield was on the drive home.   Haven't seen this for almost 3 weeks!

Haven't seen this either the past 2 weeks.   Our journey was consistently a beautiful blazing blue sky with a hot sun.