Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why Am I Excited - Bryce Heemstra

I was asked to write about why I am excited to go to Israel, so I’ll do my best at trying to
put my excitement into words!!

I have always had an interest in going to Israel. I would consider myself a very visual learner. I have heard all of these Bible stories my whole life, but have always had a hard time really picturing what they might have looked like. So, obviously the reason I’m most excited is to be able to see the Bible come to life and gain a better understanding for the places of the Bible.

For those of you who don’t know, I am very involved with a thing called “The Salt Company” here at Iowa State. The Salt Company (Salt for short) is the campus ministry of Cornerstone Church here in Ames. The Salt Company meets every Thursday night at Cornerstone. An average week at Salt sees over 1,000 students gathered to worship and learn more about God’s Word every week. Being part of Salt also includes attending Connection Group every week, which is basically a small group Bible study with other guys that live near each other. It has truly grown my faith so much over the course of this year, and it is so encouraging to see so many college kids taking time out of their week in addition to Sunday church to grow in their faith too.

Anyway, this semester we have been doing a series called “The Story So Far”. Basically we are going through the whole Bible chronologically in one semester (Similar to what Faith is doing with “The Story”, only at a way faster pace). As we are going through this sermon series, I am learning more and more about the places and stories of the Bible. This is only getting me more excited to go to Israel and finally be able to see the places where these things took place.

Israel is a land deep in history, not just Biblical history. I took a religion class this fall, and got to learn a little bit about some of the history of Israel. I am currently reading a book that gives a first-hand account of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is really a quite complicated issue, but very fascinating to study (at least in my opinion).

One really cool aspect of our trip, is the opportunity we have to get to know some Palestinian Christians. We will be spending two of our nights with a Palestinian Christian host family, and it will be really cool to hear their stories and get to know them. On a side note, I’m sure many of you are thinking, “Aren’t you worried about the danger in traveling to the Middle East?”. No, no I’m not. We live in a world full of danger with terrorist attacks happening all over Brussels, Pakistan, Paris, and even in the US. In fact, every time we step out of our house we are taking a risk. That is just the world we now live in, but we can’t let that stop us from traveling. If we live in fear of traveling, then we will miss out on so many great experiences that we could have had, and I don’t want to miss out on this amazing opportunity to go and walk where Jesus walked.

Because of Israel’s deep history, there is so much to see there. Even in our two weeks that we will be there, we will not have time to see a lot of things. As I study and prepare for this trip, I am getting more and more excited every day. Some of the specific sites I am really excited to see are En Gedi (an oasis along the Dead Sea), The Dead Sea, Jericho, The Temple Mount, Jerusalem, The Sea of Galilee, The Jordan River, Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane, Via Dolorosa, and The Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Where the cross is believed to have been).

I’m so excited to go and I can’t wait to share my experience when we get back!

Bryce, son of Greg and Pat Heemstra, is a freshman at Iowa State University.

Why Am I Excited - Pat Heemstra

Almost two years ago at Rocky Mountain High, I was introduced to Disciples Journey - a chance for youth leaders, high school students, and young adults to journey to Israel as a Discipleship/Leadership Development opportunity. Youth leaders could only sign up with a student and students could only sign up with an adult mentor.  This concept fits right in with my passion for youth ministry so I thought this would be a really neat opportunity. 

I have experienced many powerful events and life changing opportunities in the course of 23 years in youth ministry, but never a 2 week study tour.  To be honest, that has not been at the top of my list or really on my radar prior to this time because it is outside of my box.  Plan a mission trip to Haiti, no problem.  Spend 2 weeks studying history, geography, and Biblical settings, I hardly know where to begin.  And that’s exactly why I am so excited!  

When I admit that I don’t know and I can’t, that’s when God is free to step in and work and He’s done just that in putting the pieces in place for Bryce, Mason, myself and now Keith, Anita, and Cory to go to Israel in June.  While I don’t ever think you’re ever too old to learn, I’m especially excited about all the young people going on this trip—young people that are our leaders in our churches, schools, colleges, and communities. 

I’m excited for the Bible to come alive in new ways as we explore and experience the living word of God in many of the original settings.  I am excited to discover everything that God has planned for us!

Pat is the Director of Youth Ministries at Faith Reformed Church in Rock Valley.

Why Am I Excited - Cory Nikkel

My life has an interesting twist to it as I'm always pouring out and very seldom am I able to fill up. Travel in general is a way for me to fill up, but this trip to Israel is like downing two bottles of "Michael's Secret Stuff" from the movie Space Jam!! 

I'm excited to nerd-out over five books about the history of Israel, Palestine, and the locations and figures from the Bible and then see it come to life right in front of me while in Israel. 

I'm stoked to spend time with some of my favorite people (Keith and Anita) as well as meet new friends and discover their journeys and hearts in this experience too. 

I'm amped up to learn about Jesus at a high level, probably cry in awe of our Lord many times, and flat out be overwhelmed by his presence amidst great company and nearness to his heart.

Cory is a high school English teacher and coach in Montezuma, Iowa.   Cory has an amazing heart for young adults and their walk with Christ!

Why Am I Excited - Mason Van Beek

Why would I not be excited?! 

I am going to be able to see the Bible come to life. I will get to understand the stories of the Bible in a more vivid and detailed way through this trip. These past few years, I have really grown in my faith and I am excited because I see this as a way to expand my faith in a tangible way. I am excited because I know my personal faith will grow, and through that I believe will benefit those around me as well as I will be able to really spread God's message in a new, more powerful way, and use this trip as a way to show people the Bible is real and that what it talks about is really truly. 

You will never get the full experience of understanding stories and teaching from the Bible until you go and see and experience the places where they happened.  People still want to be able to visually see what is being talked about. 

To me, this trip is about discipleship, which to me means that we are going down there to dive into the Bible for two weeks, and then be disciples and spread what we learned and experienced with others. That is what makes me excited. The fact that this isn't only for myself, but to benefit others as well. 

Mason is currently a junior in the Rock Valley Community School District.

We're going to the Holy Land!

Well, it is now official - Faith Church is sending 5 individuals to explore the Holy Land this summer!

The 5 individuals going are:
- Keith Sietstra
- Anita Sietstra
- Pat Heemstra
- Bryce Heemstra
- Mason Van Beek
- Cory Nikkel, friend of Keith & Anita, will also be journeying with the group!

June 23 to July 7, the 5 of us will have a chance to see the Bible come to life before our very eyes - as we walk the paths, visit the cities, hike the countryside and step foot in the waters of the places God took his people when he gave them the promised land.   And we will walk in the footsteps of Jesus, as we see, hear, feel, touch and taste those very same things that Jesus experienced during his time here on earth.

As our group plans and prepares for this journey, we want to share with YOU what we are learning!   And, when June comes and we walk the ground of the Holy Land, we want to share with YOU what we are experiencing!   Our thanks and gratitude for your partnership and generosity in helping send the 5 of us, to grow in our faith in a powerful way, can never be over-stated. We hope and pray that by following along with us through this journey, you will be blessed right along with us - and who knows, maybe be led to take this journey yourself in the future!