Thursday, May 25, 2017

From Children's Ministry Desk: May

Good afternoon!

It’s been a while since you have heard from me, but the end of April, I just felt like I didn’t have much to share- so now that another month is nearly past I’ll fill you in on the happenings! (perhaps I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed as well)

Our God is still so good! Monday night I was able to help with a  benefit for Tripp Postmus, and as our congregation knows, this hits so close to home for our family as well as the prayer warriors who prayed alongside us during Makayla’s battle with a brain tumor. Our church and the community were SO good to us, and I knew during that time, we were never alone… we were just poured blessing upon blessing.  And even though God didn’t answer my prayer for Makayla to be healed from her cancer, she did receive the ultimate healing, and she is no longer suffering, but her reward is eternal.  God never left me during any of those trials in our life, and even when I questioned why, He was still there for me.  Those seeds that were planted years ago, are helping to reveal His plan for my life, and how He plans to use me to build His kingdom. I am so thankful for where I am right now, God’s got a plan, and I am so thankful He doesn’t give up on me. When we don’t understand why things happen it’s just a great opportunity for us to trust His plan.

Enough about my life… onto our church life!

Nursery-  I am excited for how this is coming along! We have some of the best volunteers here, who I see loving on children!! Just this past Sunday, there was a family working in nursery and the kids who attended were BLESSED!! They were loved on, played with, and had the silliest of conversations with the funniest guy!! (there was actually a couple kids who didn’t want to leave!) (This is just ONE example of the amazing nursery volunteers we have)  I am so excited with how God is opening doors for this ministry opportunity- when I surrendered the path of it to Him, He provided people to come along and say YES to helping, and they showed up with a smile on their face!! (Yes I still have LOTS of work to do on surrendering the control to God, because he has a plan, why do I worry?!? We all know, there is NO way I could do this job, it’s by the grace of God in my life, keep on praying for me… ) I would love to hear any feedback you have on how the Nursery is going!! My prayer is that it is a safe place, where parents can leave their children and not have to worry for one second.  Please let me know anything you see for improvements- we are a work in progress!!

Catechism-  I am praying about where God is leading our Wednesday nights!! Will you join me in prayer for what His plan is for our church!?

Sunday School- We just finished and I am so excited for the summer break and to get Sunday School up and running this fall again! I think it was a great year, please thank your kids/grandkids teachers… Do you know how much time they gave up each week preparing a lesson, and their hearts to bless our kids!! We, as a church, are blessed with some of the most passionate people out there, they make our children feel loved and appreciated, and they are here to serve God.  There is really nothing better!! As I put this quote in their cards, it really stuck with me… “ Most of the greatest accomplishments of this life will never be seen until the next.”   These teachers are planting seeds with these kids, that will forever impact lives and our world in the future…. Someday these kids will be doctors and nurses caring for us as we age, they will be mayors and business owners, how do we want them to run a business?  Our reward is eternal folks, how are you serving Gods kingdom today?

VBS-  This is just a few short weeks away!!! I am so excited for this! It is a time when kids come bounding through the church doors, SO excited to be here, having fun, all while learning about God- um, is this not the best?!?

Let me know if you have any questions about VBS or if you would still like to plug in and help- I promise it will bless your socks off!! 

We also need you to save toilet paper rolls, pop bottle lids, fleece fabric pieces, and we need boxes of quart size baggies.  There is a drop box by the welcome table to place these items in.

Children & Worship- Excited to start planning this for the fall! We are also going to be planning a training for the fall for volunteers- would you like to help lead this ministry! Let me know! I would love to be able to get 16 people leading, this would mean that you would take a desired service, and only have to do ONE service, and serve every 2 months. Who wants to join? 😊

Thanks for reading this far- I tend to get long winded!! But lots of great ways God is working in our Children’s Ministry, & I am SO excited to be allowing God to use me right now at our church!!

Have a wonderful day &  enjoy the weekend!!
