Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why Am I Excited - Pat Heemstra

Almost two years ago at Rocky Mountain High, I was introduced to Disciples Journey - a chance for youth leaders, high school students, and young adults to journey to Israel as a Discipleship/Leadership Development opportunity. Youth leaders could only sign up with a student and students could only sign up with an adult mentor.  This concept fits right in with my passion for youth ministry so I thought this would be a really neat opportunity. 

I have experienced many powerful events and life changing opportunities in the course of 23 years in youth ministry, but never a 2 week study tour.  To be honest, that has not been at the top of my list or really on my radar prior to this time because it is outside of my box.  Plan a mission trip to Haiti, no problem.  Spend 2 weeks studying history, geography, and Biblical settings, I hardly know where to begin.  And that’s exactly why I am so excited!  

When I admit that I don’t know and I can’t, that’s when God is free to step in and work and He’s done just that in putting the pieces in place for Bryce, Mason, myself and now Keith, Anita, and Cory to go to Israel in June.  While I don’t ever think you’re ever too old to learn, I’m especially excited about all the young people going on this trip—young people that are our leaders in our churches, schools, colleges, and communities. 

I’m excited for the Bible to come alive in new ways as we explore and experience the living word of God in many of the original settings.  I am excited to discover everything that God has planned for us!

Pat is the Director of Youth Ministries at Faith Reformed Church in Rock Valley.

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