Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Why Am I Excited - Anita Sietstra

I'm going to be 100% honest here...I'm NOT completely excited to go to Israel.  I know, I know, WHAT?!  And I debated for a long time on whether or not to share this, but recently a friend encouraged me to share the words God has placed on my heart, so here it goes...

As many of you know, I am a mom to 3 fabulous, wonderful, terrific kiddos whom I love with my whole heart.  Everything I do is for them.  When I'm not with them they are constantly on my mind (Is Lydia using the potty OK today?  Is Savannah crabby because of her new teeth?  Is Kase paying attention in school?)  There's rarely a time when I don't think about them.  So to be away from them for 2 weeks is almost more than my Mama Bear heart can handle.  HOWEVER, as much as I love them and treasure them, I need to remember that they are not supposed to be my primary and most important relationship.  God comes first.  I've had a relationship with God for a very long time but it's never been a DEEP love that I desire.  My prayer is that this trip will deepen my Jesus love in a way I never knew possible.  I'm a visual learner, show me how to do something and chances are I'll get it right next time.  So to see the actual place where Jesus arose?  To TOUCH the actual tomb?  Mind blowing!  To walk through the actual places where Jesus walked?  I'm in!  And while I will miss my kids tremendously while we're gone, I cannot pass up a trip like this.

My second fear is safety.  We have been assured that where we are traveling is very safe, and I believe that.  I also know, however, that the devil has evil tricks and has great power.  The devil also knows that safety is one of my fears for life in general.  He knows that my heart beats 10x faster when I'm in a car or airplane.  He knows that strange locations make my blood pressure rise above a normal level.  But I refuse to let him win.  I will not live my life in fear.  I will not let fear tell me what I should or shouldn't do.  I choose to believe that good will win.  

Anita is Keith's wife, and member of Faith Reformed Church in Rock Valley.

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