Monday, April 25, 2016

You Can't "Undo" It

Mason and I (Keith) have been setting some time aside each week to share about things pertaining to our upcoming journey.    We typically share about the readings we have been tasked with, and what kind of insight they are giving us for what we are about to experience.   It is always great to have someone to share thoughts and ideas with - and ultimately, grows our excitement for what we will be impacted by...

I was so blessed by where God took our conversation - and he is the big theme in a nutshell.

When you go someplace to intentionally seek God (could be church, The River, a room to pray in your own home, or a trip to Israel), that becomes a faith experience that you can't "undo".

So for us, there is great excitement in knowing that we are going to Israel, not just to experience a new place, see new things, and meet new people - no, we are going to Israel to experience and seek God.  Each of us, in our own journey of faith, seeking after His face and asking Him to reveal more of himself to us, to make us more like him, and to stir in us a passion to be a part of His kingdom.

Last night, at our Sunday Night praise and worship, we listened to "Hosanna" by Hillsong.   Something that I have shared with many people, is that there are some really powerful words in worship songs for us to be singing.   It could be a whole other topic on that we can't just show up and sing words on a screen - we truly make them the cry of our heart and life if we want them to be worship.   In this song these lyrics show up:

"Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show my how to love like you, have loved me"

"Break my heart for what breaks yours,
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I walk from earth into, eternity"

WHOA!   Really!   Do I REALLY want that?!?   The healing my heart part sounds nice.  But from there it gets pretty...shall we say....sacrificial!

Asking God to "open up my eyes", "show me how to love like he loves", "break my heart for what breaks his", and that "EVERYTHING I am is for his kingdoms cause.......those are no small requests.  That is literally saying, I am ready to die to myself God that I might truly understand and see things as you see them.   And not only that, but that I would be called to go and do something about it!

And so, as Mason and I chatted.  Our trip to Israel is engulfed in prayers now for some of those very things.   When we experience the Holy Land, and the Bible comes to life in a new way, and we experience our faith in a new way, and we come to know our Savior in a new way - we can't "undo" those things in our life.   We can't pretend like they didn't happen.   We can't say - oh, well, that was nice, but now back to the way things were.

We have no idea what things God has in store to reveal to us in June.   But we are filled with joy and excitement in knowing that we are going to intentionally seek HIM, and that he has something beautiful in store for us while we are there.    Can't wait to see what that is.....

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