Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Trip Orientation Call: Walking in the footsteps of Jesus!

This past Sunday, May 15 - our group had the chance to join in on our 2nd teleconference call with the entire group for the Disciples Journey.

Our focus for this meeting was to haul out our maps and begin to get a better feel for the land before we ever set foot on it.

To the left is what our final maps came to look like: types of land areas, major water sources, valleys, cities we will be visiting, and major trade and transportation routes.

I shared in preparation for this, and still holds true, I felt like a kid in a candy store a little bit.   Eating up the desire to know and experience the place we were going, and not wanting to miss one important detail.

As we began to trace the journey we would be taking, I began to feel myself wondering what took place there, what did Jesus do there, what did the people of the old testament experience there.

Cory shared this map with me today, that took me right back to one of those main reasons I was excited for this trip in the first place.   To see these actual places where Jesus ministry and miracles took place.   Literally, the birthplace of our faith.

The map over to the right basically pinpoints several amazing places from the New Testament where we see these amazing stories of our King!

The Sermon on the Mount, feeding the 5,000, Jesus' baptism, healing the man with demons, walking on water, turning water into wine, where he talks with the woman at the well, where he rose Lazarus from the grave......and on and on!

As we approach the one month and counting point, I have enjoyed (far more than I care to admit) the preparation that has gone into this trip.   The suggested readings that give us insight into the land.   Refreshing on Bible stories to remember the places that were so prominent.   Being reminded of God's story, and how He is an AWESOME God!

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