Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Geography Anyone?

Ready for a geography lesson?!?!

This upcoming Sunday, May 15, we will have our third pre-trip conference call/study hour for the Discipleship Journey!   The theme of this meeting will be to dive into an actual map of the land, and begin to identify were different regions are located, where different cities are located, where different sites are located, and also where some different events in history have occurred.

I must confess, when I first went into education, I was oh-so-close to becoming a history/geography teacher.   I have a love for visually learning and seeing things in new places - especially historical ones.   I have a love for the past, because that has what has shaped today.

It has been fun as we have been pouring through our pre-trip readings.  I have been paying closer attention to the names of places, areas, etc. and have been using my good friend Mr. Google to go out and begin to identify where those places are.   It is fun to get a from-the-top view of where God's people were moving at different times throughout the Bible, to get an idea of how the Crusades moved through the land, and even now today, to have an understanding of what areas are wrought with tension.

Places like: the Negev, Judah, Samaria, Galilee.   All the different bodies of water: Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River.   The topography of the land: Coastal Plain, Judean Mountains, Rift Valley, Jordan Mountains.    All of these things give new description and meaning to the stores I have known for so long.   Can't wait to walk the steps of this journey and begin to physically feel the geography as well!

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